Children are entitled to appropriate,
researched and safe medicines.
The ultimate aim of NordicPedMed is to develop a Nordic network of investigators, centres and national networks with recognized expertise in performing clinical studies on children and increase cooperation both on a Nordic and European level. NordicPedMed have received funding from the Nordic Council of Ministers and NordForsk, through NordicTrial Alliance (NTA) project.
The NORDICPEDMED is a joint paediatric clinical research network within all Nordic countries; Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. The network was established between the years 2014 and 2017. The development of a joint Nordic Investigators Registry was finalized during the years 2018-2019.
The network’s objectives are to help meet the therapeutic needs of children by facilitating development, increasing knowledge and communicating information on appropriate use of new medicines, medicines currently available, and other therapies for the pediatric population.
Currently, NORDICPEDMED have strong European level connections via FINPEDMED and NorPedMed memberships to the European research network, Enpr-EMA ( European Network of Paediatric Research at the European Medicines Agency). In addition, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden are participating partners in the Pan-European project, c4c (conect4children) aiming to generate a sustainable infrastructure that optimizes the delivery of clinical trials in children.
NORDICPEDMED have developed common Service infrastructure by using FINPEDMED´s electronic service platform. By submitting a Service Request we can cover all Nordic countries at once; Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The Service Request can also be addressed to cover only one or two countries via selection. See: Service Request page.