Nordic investigators network for Pediatric Medicines

About us

The NORDICPEDMED is a Nordic collaboration project which started in 2014, and continued during the years 2015-2019 for the development of a joint Nordic Investigators Registry. In 2023, the development continues by enhancing the national Pediatric Clinical Trial Unit´s collaboration.

NordicPedMed (NORDIC investigators network for PEDiatric MEDicines) has been funded by Nordforsk / Nordic Trial Alliance (NTA). The initial funding was for 1-year Stage-1 start-up project in 2015. In 2016, the NORDICPEDMED continued with Stage-2 project about Establishing governance and developing implementation plan for the joint operations of the Nordic national paediatric clinical trial networks. The Stage-3 project about RWD use for pediatric clinical trials in Nordic countries was in 2019. In 2022, Stage-4 project will enhance the collaboration between the Nordic Paediatric Clinical Trial Units.

Nordic network collaboration can increase pediatric research opportunities by:

  • Increasing competitiveness of Nordic Area and Developing stronger position within the European Network of Paediatric Research at European Medicines Agency (Enpr-EMA)
  • Raising the recruitment potential by larger child population (5.2 million < 18 yrs. old)
  • Fostering high-quality, ethical research, to find out safety and efficacy of pediatric medicines
  • Enhancing collaboration between the networks and various stakeholders
  • Avoiding unnecessary trials in children
  • Creating scientific and administrative competence at a Nordic level

Most importantly, the Nordic network provides benefits to sick children by offering opportunities for early access to new promising medicines in a safe and controlled way in clinical trials.

NORDICPEDMED Investigators include doctors treating pediatric patients as well as other experts representing other branches of science, being members of the national networks of the NordicPedMed. The NORDICPEDMED network gives investigators and experts a chance to participate in and influence the development of children’s medicine development and medicinal treatments by giving them opportunities to take part to medicinal product development processes and conduct new pediatric clinical trials.

NORDICPEDMED investigators are included to the joint Investigators Registry. From this registry, FINPEDMED / NORDICPEDMED Office is able to look for experts and investigators nationwide from all Nordic countries for incoming Service Requests from Sponsors and other research groups.